PARC Repeater Network

Last Modified:

All users of PARC Repeaters are expected to follow the Repeater Etiquette Guide.

CallsignFrequencyPL ToneStatusAllstar
VE3PBO146.625 MHz (-)162.2 (Up)UpUpYes5GHz HamNET
VE3RB147.135 MHz (+)162.2 (Up/Down)UpUpYesInternet
VE3BUY146.910 MHz (+)162.2 (Up/Down)UpUpYes5GHz HamNET
VE3APL147.390 MHz (+)162.2 (Up/Down)UpUpYesInternet
VE3TJR147.015 MHz (+)162.2 (Up/Down)UpUpYesInternet
PARC 2M Analog Network Status
CallsignFrequencyPL ToneStatusWiresX
VA3PBO444.5750 MHz (+)162.2 (Analogue)UpUpYes5GHz HamNET
VE3TZM444.0625 MHz (+)No (Digital Only)TestingDownYes5GHz HamNET
PARC 70CM Yaesu System Fusion Network Status

PARC 2M Analogue Repeater Network

Map of mobile coverage for the entire PARC repeater network.
Theoretical Mobile Coverage for the entire PARC Repeater Network.

VE3PBO 146.625 Mhz (-) PL 162.2 Kenwood TKR-750 Repeater

AllStar Node: 611411 Antenna Elevation: 934′

VE3PBO is located on the Sherbrooke St Water Tank and is linked fulltime to VE3BUY via a 5GHz link.

Map of VE3PBO coverage
Theoretical Coverage Map of VE3PBO

Analogue Only

VE3RB 147.135 MHz (+) PL 162.2 Motorola MTR3000 Repeater @70 Watts

Allstar Node: 611410 Antenna Elevation: 994′

VE3RB is located atop of the Nexicom owned Peterborough County Tower at Five Corners in Douro, ON. Internet access for Allstar was graciously donated by Nexicom. VE3RB was added to our network in 2024, and adds excellent coverage for Eastern Peterborough County. VE3RB is linked to the network full time via Allstar.

Theoretical Coverage Map of VE3RB
Theoretical Coverage Map of VE3RB

Analogue Only

VE3BUY 147.135 MHz (+) PL 162.2 Icom FR-5400 Repeater

AllStar Node: 611412 Antenna Elevation: 1269′

VE3BUY is located on a Global tower near Baltimore, ON and is linked fulltime to VE3PBO via a 5GHz link.

Map of VE3BUY Coverage
Theoretical Coverage Map of VE3BUY
Picture of the VE3BUY Tower
VE3BUY was graciously donated to PARC by Randy VE3RWN in 2022.

Analogue Only

VE3TJR 147.015 Mhz (+) PL 162.2 Motorola MTR2000 Repeater @ 40 Watts

AllStar Node: 611413 Antenna Elevation: 1046′

VE3TJR is Located on Deer Bay, and is linked to the PARC Repeater Network full time.

map of VE3TJR coverage
Theoretical Coverage Map of VE3TJR
Picture of the VE3TJR Tower
VE3TJR is located on a Nexicom tower on the east shore of Deer Bay (44° 31′ 15.6” N /78° 12′ 32.4” W)

Analogue Only

VE3APL 147.390 Mhz (+) PL 162.2 System Fusion Repeater

AllStar Node: 611411 Antenna Elevation: 1188′

VE3APL is located on a 72′ tower belonging to John, VE3KBT near Apsley. VE3APL is linked to the network full time via Allstar.

Map of coverage of VE3APL
Theoretical Coverage Map of VE3APL
Picture of the VE3APL Tower
Picture of the VE3APL Tower

VE3APL also uses a System Fusion repeater that is is capable of receiving both analogue FM and C4FM digital but set to re-transmit everything analogue.

Auto in/Analogue out only

PARC 70CM Yaesu System Fusion Network

VA3PBO 444.5750 MHz(+) PL 162.2 Yaesu DR-1X WiresX Enabled Repeater

Node ID: 72614 Room ID: 82614

System Fusion that is fully automatic that will re transmit analog FM signals as analogue FM and re transmits incoming Digital C4FM signals as Digital C4FM.

Recommend that analogue users enable tone squelch pl 162.2 so that you will not have to hear the digital output when it is used.

Auto in/Auto out

VE3TZM 444.0625 MHz(+) C4FM Yaesu DR-1X WiresX Enabled Repeater

Node ID: 98624 Room ID: 82614

VE3TZM is located on a UHF Antenna at the same site as VE3BUY, and runs digital only.

Currently the tech team is working on the equipment and this repeater is expected to be installed August 2024.

Digital Only

Affiliated Repeaters


VE3GPR 147.045 MHz (+) PL 162.2

Allstar Node: 547341

VE3GPR is owned and operated by Rick VE3RKY, It is located in Gooderham, ON. Rick is planning on installing a new tower in 2024, the base was poured in fall 2023.

Analogue Only


VE3CKL 146.895 MHz (-) PL 162.2 Motorola Repeater @66 Watts

AllStar Node: 28706 Antenna Elevation: 919′

WNYSORC coordinated frequency

VE3CKL location is on a 40′ tower belonging to Ross, VE3RQN and Pat, VE3PGN in Lindsay (City of Kawartha Lakes) and is capable of being linked via Allstar to The PARC Repeater Network. Repeater system is owned by Randy, VE3RWN. The tower is using a Diamond x-700 that is fed with LMR-600.

Map of VE3CKL Coverage
Theoretical Coverage Map of VE3CKL

Analogue Only