What is Amateur Radio?
Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It’s fun, social, educational, and can serve as a lifeline during times of need.
Who Can Join?
Anyone interested in radio communication are invited to join PARC whether they are a licensed amateur or not. Membership is not limited geographically.
Membership Cost
Basic annual membership fee is $40 per year for Radio Amateurs of Canada members, or $53 per year for non RAC members.
Family memberships (living at the same address) $50 per year for RAC members or $63 per year for non-members.
First year free for newly licensed amateurs.
For more information on joining and member benefits visit here.
Who is PARC?
The Peterborough Amateur Radio Club, also known as PARC is an active group of enthusiastic Ham Radio Operators of all ages and all walks of life interested in radio communications. PARC was founded in the 1930s, and incorporated as a non-profit in 1977.
What does PARC do?
- Advances participation in Amateur Radio as a hobby, and offers those in our region interested in participating, a path to obtain their license.
- Promotes programs and activities that develop knowledge and skills of licensed amateur radio operators.
- Provides a volunteer amateur radio communications infrastructure to government agencies and the general public, especially in times of emergency.
- Actively supports organizations such as the Peterborough Amateur Radio Emergency Service / Auxiliary Communications Service, and Radio Amateurs of Canada.
PARC 2M Repeater Network
VE3PBO 146.625 MHz (-) PL 162.2
Peterborough, Ontario
VE3RB 147.135 MHz (+) PL 162.2
Douro, Ontario
VE3TJR 147.015 MHz (+) PL 162.2
Buckhorn, Ontario
VE3BUY 146.910 MHz (+) PL 162.2
Baltimore, Ontario
VE3APL 147.390 MHz (+) PL 162.2
Apsley, Ontario
The PARC Repeater Network is linked full time to provide county wide coverage for less powerful radios.
More information Here.

PARC Activities
- Communications support for community events
- Training and Workshops
- Guest Lecture Series
- Scheduled on frequency Radio Nets
- Summits on the Air
- Parks on the Air
- Field Day and Contests
- Fox Hunts (radio hide and seek)
- Weekly Gatherings (in person and virtual)
- Dinners and Annual Corn Roast
- Club Meetings
PARC Repeater Nets
All repeater nets take place on the PARC Repeater Network.
- “Professional Loafers” Net weekday mornings at 8:30 AM.
- Peterborough ARES/ACS Net Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
- “Campfire” Net Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
- “Cottage Country” Net Saturdays during cottage season at 9:00 PM.
- PARC Net Sundays at 8:00 PM.
PARC Shortwave Nets
- Saturday 10 Meter Net at 8:00 PM on 28.625 MHz Single Side Band
Partners of PARC