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ARRL Field Day
ARRL Field Day is always held on the last Saturday and Sunday of June.
Field Day 2022 will be held June 24-25. Operations will once again be held at Newhall Park this year. Setup time is 7:00 AM in preparation for the 2:00 PM on air start time. Operations will continue for a full 24 hours untill 2:00pm Sunday. Stations that we will setup for Field Day operations include at least 2 Phone HF stations and one dedicated CW HF station. A special GOTA (Get On The Air) station for new and prospective hams who want to get their feet wet in Ham Radio also there will be one station for operation on various Digital modes that include PSK31, RTTY and perhaps some Slow Scan TV. Winlink will also be demonstrated at this year’s event. All hams, prospective hams and anyone interested in seeing what this great hobby has to offer are welcome to come out to observe and participate in this annual event.
2015 Field Day
# | Call | Score | Category | QSOs | Power Mult |
1 | VE3RB | 5,504 | 4A | 1,500 | 2 |
GOTA Call | Section | Participants | Club |
VE3KRG | ONE | 13 | Peterborough ARC |
This year Field Day was held again at Newhall Park. We set up in great time this year starting at 6:00 AM using some new lighter towers for two beams, and stringing up 5 wire antennas including one 40m delta loop, an 80m – 6m contest band fan dipole, and separate 160m, 80m, and 40m dipoles. Once again we managed to have everything ready with time to spare in time to have lunch before we went on the air at 14:00 Operations continued for the full 24 hours until till 14:00 Sunday. Like last year we had Two Phone HF stations, one HF station doing triple duty with CW, Phone, and RTTY, and one CW HF station using all VE3RB. We also as usual had GOTA (Get On The Air) station VE3KRG. The weather was not so good this year, in fact it was the worst we have had in a very long time. It poured rain and the wind blew hard. Adding extra sides to the tent and the protection of Bobs RV on the windward side protected us quite well and we stuck it out to the end. Once again the food was great. and a great crowd of volunteers and visitors. Once again Thanks to all that came out, including the many new hams that attended this year to help, both on the air and off. The good news this year is we achieved the highest score on PARC record. landing us in standing at 221 overall out of 2720 entries and number one for the Ontario East section with a final score of 5,504 with 1,500 QSOs
I hope to see you all again June 25th and 26th 2016
2014 Field Day
# | Call | Score | Category | QSOs | Power Mult |
1 | VE3RB | 4,616 | 4A | 1,189 | 2 |
GOTA Call | Section | Participants | Club |
VE3KRG | ONE | 25 | Peterborough ARC |
The event was held at Newhall Park Setup time is started at 6:00 AM and we managed to have everything ready in time to have a little lunch before we went on the air at 14:00 Operations continued for the full 24 hours until till 14:00 Sunday. Two Phone HF stations, one HF station doing triple duty with CW, Phone, and RTTY, and one CW HF station was setup for FD operations along with a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for new and prospective hams who want to get their feet wet in Ham Radio. The weather held up this year and we had Great food, lots of social time, and one of our best scores in many years. Thanks to all the many volunteers that came out to help out for both on the air and off.
2012 Field Day
2012 Field Day will be held on the Weekend of June 23 – 24, 2012
The event was held at Roger’s Cove again giving us shade, washrooms and a beach to cool off. Setup time is started at 9:00 AM in preparation for the 2:00 PM start time. Operations continued till 12:00 Noon on Sunday. Two Phone HF stations and one CW HF station was setup for FD operations along with a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for new and prospective hams who want to get their feet wet in Ham Radio.
2008 Field Day
2008 Field Day was on the Weekend of June 28-29, 2008
2008 Field Day was once again held on Armour Hill. The relatively cooler weather was once again a welcomed relief to the previous “Hot” Field Day events. The cooler weather also saved the club on fuel costs that was normally used to run the Air Conditioners. Setup time started at 9:00 AM in preparation for the 2:00 PM start time. Operations continued till 12:00 Noon on Sunday. One Phone HF station and one CW HF station was setup for FD operations along with Satellite,various Digital modes and a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for new and prospective hams who want to get their feet wet in Ham Radio.
From the Log Books
Guest Book; VE3EMA Harmen and family, VE3MEW Bill, VE3KEA Robert, VE3BLM Barry and VE3TZM Teresa.
Phone Station Operators; (no record of operators)
CW Station Operators; VE3KP Ken
GOTA Station Operators; VE3PUL David and VE3DHP Don.
Radio and Antenna Gear; VE3IQZ, VE3KP, VE3BLM and VE3EMA
Generators; VE3BRZ and VE3BLM
Food and Beverages; VE3KP, VE3MEW, VE3TZM, VE3HIG and VE3EMA
2007 Field Day
2007 Field Day was on the Weekend of June 23-24, 2007
2007 Field Day was once again held on Armour Hill. The relatively cooler weather was a welcomed relief to the previous “Hot” Field Day events. The cooler weather also saved the club on fuel costs that was normally used to run the Air Conditioners. Setup time started at 9:00 AM in preparation for the 2:00 PM start time. Operations continued till 12:00 Noon on Sunday. As in the past, one Phone HF station and one CW HF station was setup for FD operations along with Satellite and various Digital modes. New this year was the setup of a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for new and prospective hams who want to get their feet wet in Ham Radio.
From the Log Books
Guest Book; VE3EMA Harmen & family, VE3IQZ Rick, VE3PLP Jim, VE3MEW Bill, VA3GRT Mike, VE3KEA Robert, VE3PQX Paresh, VA3DHS DEl, VE3ELE Tom, VE3ZWR Bill, VE3RRO Bob, VE3BRZ Bruce, VE3MCD Bill, VE3TCD Sylvia, Gurnek Garcha.
Phone Station Operators; VE3ELE Tom, VE3PLP Jim, VA3GRT Mike, VE3BRZ Bruce, VE3ZWR Bill,VE3RWN Randy, VE3IQZ Rick.
CW Station Operators; VE3KP Ken, VE3PLP Jim.
GOTA Station Operators; VE3BRZ Bruce, VE3MEW Bill, VE3PQX Paresh.
Radio and Antenna Gear; VE3IQZ, VE3KP, VE3BLM and VE3EMA
Generators; VE3BRZ and VE3EMA
Food and Beverages; VE3PLP, VE3KP, VE3ELE, VE3MEW, VE3TZM, VE3HIG and VE3EMA
2006 Field Day

2006 Field Day was a huge success. A club record of 817 QSO’s was completed Many amateurs and some non amateurs participated in the setup and the taking down of equipment as well providing meals. This included (advanced apologies if I missed anyone) VA3BRZ Bruce, VA3DHS Del,VE3AFP Karl, VE3BPA John, VE3BLM Barry, VE3CYR Denis,VE3DHP Don, VE3ELE Tom, VE3EMA Harmen & XYL Tracy, VE3ESU Bob, VE3IQZ Rick, VE3JBJ Jim, VE3KEA Robert, VE3KP Ken, VE3LUZ Ron, VE3MEW Bill, VE3ROW John and Jake, VE3PLP Jim, VE3RWN Randy, VE3TQJ Wayne, VE3TZM Teresa and VE3VLO Tony.