Fox Hunt May 5th 2024

Successful Fox Hunt Today Scores are:

VE3EMA and VE3YCL (winners) 9.4KM








Thank you VA3NW and VE3IEL for being the fox, VE3YCL and VE3EMA will be the fox at the next Fox Hunt May 26th.

Winter Field Day 2024

Winterfield day was a resounding success, thank you to everyone who was involved, especially those who helped with set-up and tear down. Nick VA3NPW, Harmen VE3EMA, Jon VE3XOE, John VA3NW, Clay VE3YCL,Rick VE3IQZ, Peter VE3GYY, and especially Paul VE3AXT and his XYL for hosting us. With 2 stations we achieved 837 contacts. Thanks to VE3XOE for the photos.

Winter field day certificate showing 840 contacts logged for VE3RB.

Holiday Dinner 2023

This years holiday dinner was at Swiss Chalet with over 30 members in attendance. Was wonderful to see all who attended for a Holiday Meal. Thank you to Clay VE3YCL for organizing it, and Nina VE3IRK for assisting with the RSVPs, and Don VE3BSR for the photos.

Corn Roast 2023

The 2023 Corn Roast was a huge success! Thanks to Paul & Sandy Craig for hosting it and providing the corn, and to Dave Moes for doing the cooking, and to everyone else that brought something. I think we are all sufficiently stuffed, few people showed up after the photo there was about 40 of us today. Thank you Randy Neals for the photo.

Field Day 2023

Just wanted to give a special thanks to Dave Moes for organizing field day this year, and a big thanks to anyone who volunteered to help despite the weather this year it was still a resounding success. It was nice to see everyone even if you just stopped by for a minute. Our newest member Jon Brown was there for most of the event even when it got pretty nasty out, and Rick had some adventures with his newest setup but we still remained on air for most of the 24hours. Thanks to VA3IX and VE3BSR for the photos.