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Peterborough Amateur Radio Club Repeater Nets

Linked PARC Repeater Network (VE3PBO, VE3RB, VE3BUY, VE3TJR and VE3APL)

Peterborough Amateur Radio Club Nets are held every Sunday evening at 8:00pm. (Always hosted by Barry VE3BLM)

“Professional Loafers” (PL) Nets are held every weekday morning at 8:30am. (Net Control Coordinator is John VA3NW)

“Mighty Fine Business” Nets are Held Monday Evenings at 7:00pm this net is a informal net to encourage discussion on topics for new hams. New Hams are also encouraged to participate as net control. (Net Control Coordinator is John VA3NW) (As the White Cane Net is on VE3RB, this net is not available on VE3RB.)

“Campfire Group” Nets are held Thursday Evenings at 8:00pm. (Always Hosted by Bob VE3IEL)

“Professional Loafers” Net Controller Schedule

MondaysJohn VA3NW
TuesdaysDevon VE3DEV
WednesdaysDebbie VE3EKG
ThursdaysNina VE3IRK
FridaysTrevor VE7BM

Linked Nets on VE3RB

CNIB’s White Cane Net

Monday Evenings just before 7PM VE3RB disconnects from the PARC Network and connects to VE3WOO for the White Cane Net, it then reconnects to the PARC Network just after 8PM.

East Coast Reflector’s TechNet

Tuesday Evenings just before 8PM VE3RB disconnects from the PARC Network and connects to the East Coast Reflector for the TechNet, it then reconnects to the PARC Network just after 11PM.

Bill Carew Memorial Saturday Evening 10 Meter Net

28.625 MHz

This NET starts at 8:00 pm and is open to everyone. Net has been renamed in Memory of Bill Carew VE3MEW who became a SK in 2024, 10m was always Bill’s Favorite Band.

Peterborough ARES Nets

Peterborough Amateur Radio Emergency Service Nets are held every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm on the PARC Repeater Network . (See PARES website for more information)