Many thanks to everyone who helped with all the work on VE3PBO/VA3PBO repeaters on Wednesday. Special thanks to Jon, VE3OXE for climbing the Sherbrooke Water Tank three times and Paul Hill who volunteered to help with the work on top of the water tank. Special thanks also goes out to Rick VE3IQZ, Nick VA3NPW and Jon VE3XOE who stayed till dark to complete the testing and cleanup. We all need to also thank Barry VE3BLM, Steven VE3PTA and Nick VA3NPW for installing all the new cables from the water tank into the radio shack. Finally, we would also want to thank PUG for without their cooperation, we would not have an operational repeater site.
From all the signal reports that are coming in, I think it is safe to conclude the project was a resounding success. Pictures courtesy of VE3EMA.