PARC Tech Learning Group

PARC Hosts a Virtual Meeting on Google Meet Wednesdays at 8PM EST, the discussion and learning is on Technical Subjects from VNA’s to Repeaters, Filters, Baluns etc. To get on the mailing list and get the link contract Rick Baker VE3RKY AT VE3PBO.CA.

PARC Amateur Radio Basic License Course

The Peterborough Amateur Radio Club is hosting a virtual Basic License Course that Starts January 13th 2024 @ 7PM

Cost is $60

The Course will be conducted Virtually via Google Meet. Any outside participants that wish to take the course with PARC are welcomed to do so, and in person or remote exams are available after the completion of the course, and included in the cost. The $60 fee also includes a free membership to PARC for the remainder of the Calendar Year.

Recommended Study Material Can Be Purchased Here, it is recommended that you purchase the book for later reference, but a loaned copy of this material (for Peterborough area participants) can be arranged if you do not want to use the book after the completion of the course.

This course is focused on what you need to learn to pass the exam only, and a workshop will be hosted in Peterborough at a later date for New Hams. 

Contact for more information. 

Morse Code Workshop

Contact Rick VE3RKY to join the sessions. First session is June 14th 2024 at 8PM via Google Meet.

Learning Morse Code Basics

The Morse code learning program will start with group sessions one day a week. The sessions will be Friday nights at 8pm for one hour.
Bob, VE3IEL will lead the group
We will be using the Koch method in these sessions.

Introduction to the Koch Method:

Morse code characters are sent at full speed from the beginning.
We will start with a reduced set of characters initially.
Gradual expansion of characters over time.

Character Selection:

Start with just seven characters (xyzjqhs).
These characters will be sent at full speed e.g., 15 words per minute, wpm, “words” (groups of 5 characters) will be sent at 5wpm

Learning Process:

Students will listen to the characters in 5-letter groups for 3 minutes.
The goal is to copy (write down or type) the characters accurately.
Once 90% accuracy is achieved, students can move to the next lesson.


Each week, more characters will be added to each lesson.
Maintain the same overall speed (e.g., 5 wpm) while expanding the character set.

Daily Practice:

Students should practice daily for 45 minutes per session.
Scramble the characters to ensure varied practice.
Starting with the least often used characters provides more focused practice.