VE3BUY Experiencing Issues (RESOLVED)

February 3rd 2024 14:00

VE3BUY is back in service, special thanks to VE3EMA, VE3IQZ, VE3RWN, and VE3PTA for repairing the unit.

January 22nd 2024 16:00

DR1X is up and running at the BUY site however it is running independently currently as we do not have a interface for it to connect with all-star.

January 22nd 2024 14:00

Receiver is functional, all star node is working correctly. Transmitter is not working, Repeater Team is currently swapping the Icom with the clubs spare DR1X Repeater.

January 22nd 2024 10:00

VE3BUY is currently experiencing issues the Repeater Team is investigating.

Repairs, Maintenance and 5GHz Sector installation at VE3PBO

Many thanks to everyone who helped with all the work on VE3PBO/VA3PBO repeaters on Wednesday. Special thanks to Jon, VE3OXE for climbing the Sherbrooke Water Tank three times and Paul Hill who volunteered to help with the work on top of the water tank. Special thanks also goes out to Rick VE3IQZ, Nick VA3NPW and Jon VE3XOE who stayed till dark to complete the testing and cleanup. We all need to also thank Barry VE3BLM, Steven VE3PTA and Nick VA3NPW for installing all the new cables from the water tank into the radio shack. Finally, we would also want to thank PUG for without their cooperation, we would not have an operational repeater site.

From all the signal reports that are coming in, I think it is safe to conclude the project was a resounding success. Pictures courtesy of VE3EMA.

Corn Roast 2023

The 2023 Corn Roast was a huge success! Thanks to Paul & Sandy Craig for hosting it and providing the corn, and to Dave Moes for doing the cooking, and to everyone else that brought something. I think we are all sufficiently stuffed, few people showed up after the photo there was about 40 of us today. Thank you Randy Neals for the photo.

Field Day 2023

Just wanted to give a special thanks to Dave Moes for organizing field day this year, and a big thanks to anyone who volunteered to help despite the weather this year it was still a resounding success. It was nice to see everyone even if you just stopped by for a minute. Our newest member Jon Brown was there for most of the event even when it got pretty nasty out, and Rick had some adventures with his newest setup but we still remained on air for most of the 24hours. Thanks to VA3IX and VE3BSR for the photos.