Field Day this year was a great success! We have two new Amateurs who wrote their license, a 13 year old boy who was interested, and managed to get on the air and is on his way to getting his Amateur Radio License.
Thank you to Peterborough ARES/ACS, The City for Donating the use of Newhall Park, Harmen VE3EMA, John VE3VL, Dave VE3SD, Jordan VE3AVA, Nina VE3IRK, Andrew VA3AND, Phillis VE3PVB, Devon VE3DEV, Martin VA3OMW, Clay VE3YCL, Jon VE3XOE, John VA3NW, Chuck VA3NY, Peter VE3GYY, Wayne VE3WRL Rick VE3IQZ, Rick VE3RKY, Scott VE3TCG, Henry VA3ZRS, Terry VA3IX, Barry VE3BLM, Paul VE3AXT, Brian VE3NSI, and all the XYLs who helped with food.
Thank you to Every Club member who stopped by! Despite the poor weather we managed to operate for most of the 24 hours.
We have two new Hams:
Brian VA3BZT
Wayne VA3KVZ
We had a total of 11 operators, the score will be updated once Dave wakes up (he was there for the entire time).
We will continue to update the gallery as all the photo sources come in.